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用"carnes"造句"carnes"怎么读"carnes" in a sentence


  • 卡恩斯
  • 卡内斯


  • U . s . district judge julie carnes said friday that all women working for the nation ' s largest retailer after march 2001 could pursue claims against the company if they were using prescription contraceptives
  • Jeffrey osborne , dionne warwick , bette midler , michael boddicker , tina turner , diana ross , louis johnson , bob geldof , huey lewis and the news , bob dylan , billy joel , kenny loggins , willie nelson , steve perry , bruce springsteen , lindsey buckingham , kim carnes , jackie jackson , marlon jackson , michael jackson , randy jackson , tito jackson , lionel richie , smokey robinson , stevie wonder , paulinho da costa , the pointer sisters , greg phillinganes , cyndi lauper , la toya jackson , james ingram , quincy jones , hall & oates , waylon jennings , kenny rogers , michael omartian , al jarreau , john robinson , sheila e , paul simon
    “迪斯科女皇” :蒂娜?特娜,戴安娜?罗丝,爱尔兰歌星鲍勃?吉尔多夫,美国摇滚之父鲍勃?迪伦,著名歌星莱昂内尔?里奇,著名乡村乐歌星可尼?罗杰斯,保罗?西蒙,黑人盲歌星史蒂夫?旺德,摇滚巨星布鲁司?斯普林斯汀,另类女星辛地?劳帕,迷幻乐巨星比利?乔尔,布鲁司鼻祖查尔斯?雷,还有杰克逊的几位兄弟及大姐拉托娅。


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