Furthermore , students can correctly diagnosing and the treating the normal diseases of cariology , endodontology and operative dentistry independently 毕业时,对牙体牙髓组织的常见病,能独立进行正确的诊断和治疗。
Cariology , endodontology and operative dentistry is a science to research the etiology , mechanisms , pathology process , clinical appearance , diagnosis , treatment and prognosis of operative dentistry and dental pulp diseases , all teaching time are hours , adapting to five years students and seven years students of oral subject 牙体牙髓学是研究牙体硬组织和牙髓组织疾病病因、发病机制、病理变化、病理生理、临床表现、治疗及转归的一门科学,总学时,适用于五年制、七年制口腔专业,内容包括基本教学内容和扩展性教学内容。