As christmas nears , caribou plans to provide a turkey menu to greet the season 圣诞节将近,驯鹿正计划推出火鸡餐应节。
The debris had been a caribou calf an hour before , squawking and running and very much alive 一个钟头以前,这些残骨还是头小驯鹿,跳着,跑着,活生生的。
He was in a strange country , too , and the caribou were growing more plentiful , also the wolves 他甚至走到了一个陌生的地方,驯鹿变得越来越多,狼也多起来了。
Throughout the night he heard the cough of the sick wolf , and now and then the squawking of the caribou calves 他整夜听到那只病狼的咳嗽声,还不时听到小驯鹿群的嘶叫声。
They have left the caribou for some time . gao ting and xiao zhang , wish them every success in their future 她们离开驯鹿已有一段时间了;高婷、与小张。希望她们前程锦绣。
Subsequently , other researchers used modern caribou as an example of a long - distance migrant to support such theories about the migration of arctic dinosaurs 随后,其他研究者也以现代的北美驯鹿为范例,观察其长程迁徙模式,希望能为北极恐龙的迁徙理论提供佐证。
A mixture of emotions flooded the author ' s soul , from fear to sympathy for the caribous ' impending doom and exhilaration from witnessing one of natures plays unfolding in front of his eyes 我百感交集,既哀怜驯鹿之劫数难逃,又乐于亲眼见证此自然法则之游戏开场
Exhibits include caribou product of canadian arctic inuit , a large weaving loom from guatemala , ritual dance outfit from papua new guinea , 18 feet long polynesian outrigger dugout canoe and an 19th century wagon from american west 另外,尚包括爱斯基摩人驯鹿骨制品、中美洲原型织布机、廿八?长的印度洋外架独木舟、帆船及巴布亚新畿内亚的祭神舞衣等多件珍贵独特展品。