Ic impedance cardiography integrated circuit 阻抗心动描记术
Vector - cardiography room 心向量室
Phono - cardiography room 心音图室
Noninasie stroke olume and cardiac output were measured using impedance cardiography and corrected for body surface area to yield both stroke and cardiac indexes 用阻抗心动描记法测量安静状态下的每搏输出量和心搏出量,而且用体表面积换算为心搏量和心脏指数。
Howeer , impedance cardiography , which has been shown to be a reliable alternatie to cardiac catheterization , offers a noninasie method of screening such patients 然而,心阻抗图,被证实是一个可信赖的代替心导管术的方法, 。提供了一个非侵入性方法来筛选这样的病人。
diagnostic procedure consisting of recording the activity of the heart electronically with a cardiograph (and producing a cardiogram) 同义词:electrocardiography,