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用"cand"造句"cand"怎么读"cand" in a sentence


  • 白光
  • 古代候选人穿白袍
  • 慢性酒精中毒性神经病


  • May the christmas cand bring you peace and happiness
  • New development for long - fibre cotton of up cand cotton character throuph radiating mutupenesis
  • Sweet as cand - y
  • Course tutor : ms cand lau - an expert in the field of crystal for twenty years
    课程导师: ms cand lau -一位对水晶有二十年深入研究的爱好者。
  • Google has always wanted to hire people with cand double 800s on their sats
    谷歌习惯录用那些大学成绩都是优或者在赛达考试( sat -注1 )中门门都拿800分的求职者。
  • In the manufacturing aspect , the company has established a specialized production base and introduced a lot of processing equipments which the growth of the company , the product range has expanded and there are diverse sugar making machines and cand / chocolate packing machines could be manufactured independently
  • I cand imagine de ' s dropping like flies from the horrors of the dementors , until the dark lord himself is attacked and ultimately kissed , his last bit of soul sucked from his mangle body as harry instructs the patronus army to chase away the dementors once and for all
  • The 102 strains which can produce hydrolyzed circles were obtained using alternative medium containing phytate - calcium . after being isolated and purified , these strains were inoculated into fermented medium , shaking in 28 c at 220r / min for 5 days , then their enzymatic activities were determined by ammonium molybdate - phosphate colorimertry under the condition of 37 cand ph2 . 5 . the result showed there were 24 strains with higher enzymatic activities among the 102 strains , after the rescreening , 7 strains were gained with enzymatic activities beyond 15u / ml and stable ability of producing acidic phytase , of which , enzymatic activity of the strain 14 was the highest , reaching 53 . 86u / ml , and it was preliminarilly identified as aspergillus . niger , then numbered as aspergillus . niger 14
    用植酸钙选择性平板培养基从土样中筛选出了102株能产透明圈的菌株,经分离纯化后,接入液体发酵培养基, 28 、 220r min发酵5天,在37 、 ph2 . 5条件下用钒钼酸铵法测定其所产植酸酶的活力,结果显示,酶活较高的有24株,经再次摇瓶复筛后,酶活大于15u ml且产酶性能稳定的共有7株,其中以14 ~ #菌株的酶活最高,可达53 . 86u ml ,经初步鉴定为黑曲霉,编号为aspergillus . niger14 ~ # 。
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