

  • 拂子茅属



  • 例句与用法
  • Distribution and seasonal dynamics of sulfur in the plant - soil system in the calamagrostis angustifolia wetland in the sanjiang plain
  • The negative correlation of the dry matter production to the age class of rhizome indicates level of significance ( p < 0 . 05 , po . ol ) in leymus chinensis , calamagrostis epigeios and c . rigidula populations
  • The rhizome of grass , including leymus chinensis , hemarthria japonica , arundinella hirta , calamagrostis epigeios and c . ? rigidula populations , can normally live for 3 to 4 years which is the same as the age class
    羊草、牛鞭草、野古草、拂子茅和硬拂子茅种群根茎的存活年度一般为3 4年,根茎的龄级数与存活年度相同。
  • The average length of spacer varies by hemarthria japonica > calamagrostis epigeios > leymus chinensis > c . rigidula > hierochloe glabra > arundinella hirta among 6 species of rhizome grass , and is very changeable for each species
    7种根茎禾草生殖生长比率平均为16 540 ,种间变异不大,生殖分配1平均为zi 010 ,变化范围在14刀2 27
  • The bud bank is composed of 3 age classes bud on leymus chinensis , arundinella hirta and hordeum brevisubulatum populations , 2 age classes bud on hemarthria japonica , calamagrostis epigeios and c . rigidula populations . the age structure of bud is obviously an increasing model in all of 6 grass species
    羊草、野古草和野大麦种群芽库由3个龄级组成,牛鞭草、拂子茅和硬拂子茅种群由2个龄级组成, 6种禾草芽库的年龄结构均为明显的增长型。
  • Bud is produced in both rhizome and tiller - node , rhizome can produce more buds than tiller - node on hordeum brevisubulatum , arundinella hirta , calamagrostis epigeios , c . rigidula and hierochloe glabra populations . both 1st age rhizome and tiller - node of 1st age tiller are mainly two contributors in importing of bud bank
    根茎和分蘖节是芽的主要产生部位,牛鞭草、野古草、拂子茅、硬拂子茅和光稃茅香种群根茎的营养繁殖力比分蘖节强, 1龄根茎和1龄分蘖株分蘖节是芽库输入的主要贡献者。
  • The winter tiller is more than the spring tiller at quantity hi leymus chinensis , calamagrostis epigeios and c . rigidula population at the beginning growing season . it is an efficient strategy to increasing survival fitness and propagating potential for rhizome grass to grow many active and strong winter tillers
  • The tiller - nodes of 6 species of rhizome grass , including leymus chinensis , hemarthriajaponica , arundinella hirta , calamagrostis epigeios , c . rigidula , hordeum brevisubulatum in songnen plain , can live at best for 2 to 5 years , and do 2 to 4 propagating generations which is the same as the age class of tiller in number . the age structure of population is an increasing model which the young tiller is more than the old at quantity and biomass . during the whole growing season , the age spectrum varies for each species
    松嫩平原,羊草、牛鞭草、野古草、拂子茅、硬拂子茅和野大麦等6种根茎型禾草种群的分蘖节最多可以存活2 5个年度,可以进行营养繁殖2 4个世代,分蘖株的龄级数与分蘖节营养繁殖的世代数相同,在种群分蘖株的数量和生物量上,生长季的各个时期均以幼龄分蘖株占较大比例,呈现为明显的增长型年龄结构,各种类的年龄谱组成各异。
  • 百科解释
Calamagrostis (small reed or reed grass) is a genus in the grass family Poaceae, with about 260 speciesGrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora that occur mainly in temperate regions of the globe. Towards equatorial latitudes, species of Calamagrostis generally occur at higher elevations.
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