

  • 布赞



  • 例句与用法
  • Barry buzan doesn ' t think he himself belongs to the english school or any other school , hut he has been regarded as a new leader of the english school
  • Barry buzan and richard little , international systems in world history : remaking the study of international relations , oxford : oxford university press , 2000 , p . 1
    美弗朗西斯?福山著,黄胜强等译: 《历史的终结及最后之人》 ,北京:中国社会科学出版社, 2003年版,代序部分第2页。
  • An additional incentive : tony buzan notes that " using these techniques at oxford university , students were able to complete essays in one third of the previous time , while receiving higher marks . " ( use your head , p . 102 )
    额外的动机:托尼?巴赞写道“在牛津大学应用这些技术,学生们能够提前三份之一的时间完成作文,并且得到高分。 ”
  • This paper will focus on barry buzan ’ s a structural approach of english school theory . this approach is one of the most important english school achievements in a generation , which is represented in his recent work from international to world society ?
  • Starting on the neglected concept of world society and bringing together the international society tradition and wenditian mode of contrrctivism , buzan offers a new theoretical framework and an new understanding way of english school . this approach reconfigures the relationship between international system , international society and world society
  • It forces english school to confront neglected questions about both its basic concepts and its assumptions . at the same time , buzan highlights the idea of primary institutions as the central contribution of english school . the main purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed picture of this approach of english school
  • 百科解释
Buzan (alt. Buzun) was khan of the Chagatai Khanate from 1333 to 1334 (or from 1334 to 1335).
  • 推荐英语阅读
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