In some restaurants, the tips are pooled and then shared with the busboys and the kitchen help . 有些餐厅将收到的小费集中起来,然后同餐厅杂工、帮厨一起分。
Your damn busboy just ruined my wife ` s pants 你们的工人毁了我妻子的裤子
Your damn busboy just ruined my wife s pants 你们的工人毁了我妻子的裤子
And see if they need any busboys 你们需要的是车夫吧?
If you upset the busboys, they're not gonna care if your table's ready 如果你惹恼了勤杂工他们才不会通知你餐桌是否已妥
As soon as they are done, a busboy will clean the table and we can sit down 等他们一吃完,会有服务生来清理桌子,我们就可以坐下了。
I also noticed that all the staff, ships officers, waiters, busboys, etc ., all seemed very familiar with this lady 我也注意到船务人员,游船长官,服务生,收碗盘的小弟等,都对她不陌生。
A few minutes later, " britney came upstairs in a dancer bikini and a white busboy jacket . and that's what she walked out wearing . 几分钟之后,“布兰妮一身热舞比基尼,一件白色的卫生员的夹克上了楼,后面出门也还是这身打扮”。
At the bottom rung is the pot-washer in the kitchen, the busboy in the dining room, the banquet porter, the kitchen runner, and the refuse handler 位于最底层的是厨房洗碗工、餐厅服务员助手、宴会服务员、走菜服务员以及保洁员。