

  • 鹿皮外衣



  • 例句与用法
  • As he stripped the saddle from the buckskin and led her to the watering-through by the stable corral .
  • " dressed in a dashing suit of buckskin ,
  • It didn t have an iron latch on the front door , nor a wooden one with a buckskin string , but a brass knob to turn , the same as houses in town
  • Then we started for the house , and i went in the back door - you only have to pull a buckskin latchstring , they don t fasten the doors - but that warn t romantical enough for tom sawyer ; no way would do him but he must climb up the lightning - rod
  • He wore trousers of blue cloth , boots tolerably clean , but not of the brightest polish , and a little too thick in the soles , buckskin gloves , a hat somewhat resembling in shape those usually worn by the gendarmes , and a black cravat striped with white , which , if the proprietor had not worn it of his own free will , might have passed for a halter , so much did it resemble one
  • We got an old tin lantern , and a butcher - knife without any handle , and a bran - new barlow knife worth two bits in any store , and a lot of tallow candles , and a tin candlestick , and a gourd , and a tin cup , and a ratty old bedquilt off the bed , and a reticule with needles and pins and beeswax and buttons and thread and all such truck in it , and a hatchet and some nails , and a fishline as thick as my little finger with some monstrous hooks on it , and a roll of buckskin , and a leather dog - collar , and a horseshoe , and some vials of medicine that didn t have no label on them ; and just as we was leaving i found a tolerable good curry - comb , and jim he found a ratty old fiddle - bow , and a wooden leg
  • 英文解释
  • breeches made of buckskin

  • 推荐英语阅读
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