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用"buckshot"造句"buckshot"怎么读"buckshot" in a sentence"buckshot"的同义词


  • 鹿弹〔大粒散弹〕。


  • The cell contains two types of silicon spheres about as big as buckshot .
  • Even at yale, in written papers georgos had had the reputation among his professors of belaboring a point, spreading adjectives like buckshot .
  • You said harrington was rubbed out with a shotgun loaded with buckshot
  • I can quite understand that . a shotgun loaded with buckshot , close range
  • Pa s got a few buckshot in him ; but he don t mind it cuz he don t weigh much , anyway
  • He examined the bullets with which monte cristo performed this dexterous feat , and saw that they were no larger than buckshot
  • = " pump action shotgun . fires a wide spray of buckshot capable of great damage at close range with decreasing effectiveness based on distance from target .
  • [ enstr ] = " pump action shotgun . fires a wide spray of buckshot capable of great damage at close range with decreasing effectiveness based on distance from target .
  • At his age when dabbling in politics roughly some score of years previously when he had been a quasi aspirant to parliamentary honours in the buckshot foster days he too recollected in retrospect which was a source of keen satisfaction in itself he had a sneaking regard for those same ultra ideas
  • And all came with nimbi and aureoles and gloriae , bearing palms and harps and swords and olive crowns , in robes whereon were woven the blessed symbols of their efficacies , inkhorns , arrows , loaves , cruses , fetters , axes , trees , bridges , babes in a bathtub , shells , wallets , shears , keys , dragons , lilies , buckshot , beards , hogs , lamps , bellows , beehives , soupladles , stars , snakes , anvils , boxes of vaseline , bells , crutches , forceps , stags horns , watertight boots , hawks , millstones , eyes on a dish , wax candles , aspergills , unicorns
    他们手执棕榈叶竖琴剑橄榄冠,袍子上织出了他们的职能的神圣象征:角制墨水瓶595箭面包坛子脚镣斧子树木桥梁浴槽里的娃娃们贝壳行囊596大剪刀钥匙597百合花鹿弹胡须猪灯风箱蜂窝长柄杓星星蛇598铁砧一盒盒的凡士林钟丁字拐镊子鹿角防水胶靴老鹰磨石盘子上的一双眼球599蜡烛洒圣水器独角兽600 。


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