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用"bruis"造句"bruis"怎么读"bruis" in a sentence


  • 布鲁伊斯
  • 布吕


  • In 1939 , cheney and bruis , sons of braose miyaco successively joined the company and this personal shop becoming a family business
    1939年, braosemiyaco的儿子cheney 、 bruis相继加入公司,这家个人经营的商店因此而转变为家族经营。
  • When i wak d it was broad day , the weather clear , and the storm abated , so that the sea did not rage and swell as before : but that which surpris d me most , was , that the ship was lifted off in the night from the sand where she lay , by the swelling of the tyde , and was driven up almost as far as the rock which i first mention d , where i had been so bruis d by the dashing me against it ; this being within about a mile from the shore where i was , and the ship seeming to stand upright still , i wish d my self on board , that , at least , i might save some necessary things for my use
  • Accordingly , having spent three days in this journey , i came home ; so i must now call my tent and my cave : but , before i got thither , the grapes were spoil d ; the richness of the fruits , and the weight of the juice having broken them , and bruis d them , they were good for little or nothing ; as to the limes , they were good , but i could bring but a few


Bruis is a commune in the Hautes-Alpes department in southeastern France.
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