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用"bruggeman"造句"bruggeman"怎么读"bruggeman" in a sentence


  • 布吕热曼


  • Bruggeman was no longer just a consumer . he was a producer . he was making the news
  • The person in our little story who tasted journalism ' s future most profoundly , i believe , was neither the professional reporter nor the newsmaker , but bruggeman
  • Three effective medium theories ( maxwell - garnett , bruggeman and ping sheng theories ) and their corresponding models are presented in the second part of the paper
    第二章中我们简单介绍了描述复合薄膜体系介电性质的maxwell - garnett 、 bruggeman和pingsheng有效介质理论以及所对应的体系微结构模型。
  • We can infer the em parameters of pure carbonyl - iron from the em parameters of ds of various content by curve - fit simulating and interpolation . maxwell - garnett ( mg ) formula and bruggeman formula is applicable for spherical particles ds
    Maxwell - garnett公式和bruggeman公式是适用球形颗粒复合体系的经典计算公式,本文将两组公式及maxwell - garnett扩展公式运用于羰基铁粉分散体系。
  • This paper evaluates the application of these two formula and their extend formula to carbonyl - iron / epoxy disperse system . mg and bruggeman formula can predict em parameters of carbonyl - iron / epoxy ds when f < 15 % , and extended mg formula is more accurate than mg
    F 15时, maxwell - garnett公式和bruggeman公式均可准确地预测该体系的等效电磁参数;扩展maxwell - garnett公式比经典公式更准确地描述了体系等效电磁参数。
  • As the position , intensity and width of the plasma resonance absorption peak are concerned , we find that maxwell - garnett and ping sheng theories are applicable for the cermet films with low metal volume fraction , while bruggeman theory fits better than maxwell - garnett theory for au - mgf2 films with high metal volume fraction
    就金属颗粒表面等离子共振引起的吸收峰的峰位、强度和峰形而言,对低金属组分的纳米金属陶瓷薄膜光学常数的计算, maxwell - garnett和pingsheng要比bruggeman理论结果好。
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