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武库 armory
武庙 temple enshrining and worshi...
武弁 patrol leader
武成 a surname
武成黑 Wucheng Hei
武打 acrobatic fighting in Chines...
武斗 resort to violence
武断 assertive
武断专横 arbitrariness and imperiousn...
武断行事 execute business dogmaticall...
武旦 a female character type vers...
武昌鱼 blunt-snout bream
武术 wushu,martial or physical ar...
武林 the world or circle of wushu...
武汉 Wuhan
武汉以近的火车票 train tickets up to Wuhan
武火 high heat
武生 an actor playing a martial r...
武罗 a surname
武罗皓 Wuluo Hao
武职 the position of a military o...
武艺 skill in wushu
武艺出众 One's fighting skill is far ...
武艺超群 extremely skillful in martia...
武艺高强 excel in martial arts
武行 a minor role playing acrobat...
武装 arms
武装中立 armed neutrality equip with ...
武装人员 armed personnel
武装侵入 armed intrusions
武装侵略 armed aggression
武装冲突 an armed conflict
武装冲突有一触即发之势 Armed conflict may break out...
武装到牙齿 be armed to the teeth
武装力量 armed power
武装叛乱 armed rebellion
武装夺取政权 seizure of power by armed fo...
武装对峙 military confrontation
武装带 Sam Browne belt
武装干涉 armed intervention
武装斗争 armed struggle
武装泅渡 swim across with one's weapo...
武装警卫把罪犯押到监狱 Armed guards escorted the cr...
武装警卫把罪犯解送到监狱 Armed guards escorted the cr...
武装警察 armed police
武装起义 armed insurrection
武装部队 armed forces
武警部队 People's Armed Police
武训 Wu Xun footstep
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