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政治骗局 a political fraud
政治骚乱 political disturbance
政法 politics and law
政法人员 political-legal functionarie...
政法学院 institute of political scien...
政法工作 political and legal work
政法干部 political and legal cadres
政法机关 political-legal organs
政法界 political-legal circles
政法部门 political-legal departments
政洁 Zheng Jie
政派 political grouping or factio...
政界 political circles
政界元老 senior statesman
政社分开 separate government administ...
政社合一 integrate government adminis...
政策 policy
政策主张 policy
政策兑现 materialize a policy
政策性 policy
政策性亏损 losses permitted by policy
政策性因素 factors resulting from polic...
政策性补贴 subsidies granted for policy...
政策攻心 try to win over by explainin...
政策教育 education in policy
政策界线 demarcation line in policy
政策监督 policy surveillance
政策稳定性 policy stability
政策连续性 continuity of the policies
政简刑清 little government work and f...
政纪案件 infractions of administrativ...
政纲 political programme
政纲不振 inefficient,disorganized gov...
政纲大振 The government begins to fun...
政绩 achievements in one's offici...
政绩斐然 The achievements of one's of...
政见 political view
政论 political comment
政论家 political commentator
政论文 political essay
政躬违和 An official was indisposed w...
政通人和 logical administration and h...
敁敠 weigh in the hand ponder
故世 die
故乡 native place
故事 old practice
故事书中的骑士 story-book knights
故事会 a gathering at which stories...
故事发生的地点 the locale of a story
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