登录 注册
支差 do enforced and unpaid work ...
支应 cope with
支店 branch store the twelve Eart...
支座 abutment
支承 fulcrum bearing
支承力 bearing force
支承板 back plate
支承柱 support column
支承点 bearing point
支承轴 bolster
支持 support
支持一项提议 approve a proposal
支持不住 unable to keep up efforts su...
支持声明中所阐明的正义立场 support the just stand expou...
支援 support
支援前方 support the front
支援灾区 help the disaster area
支援边疆建设 support the construction of ...
支撑 prop up
支撑危局 prop up a perilous situation
支撑板 facing bar
支撑点 strong point
支撑门面 maintain the front
支支吾吾 make an ambiguous statement
支数 number
支架 support
支柱 pillar
支梁 strutbeam
支气管 bronchus
支气管出血 bronchorrhagia
支气管哮喘 bronchial asthma
支气管扩张 bronchiectasia
支气管炎 bronchitis
支气管炎患者 bronchitic
支气管癌 bronchiolar carcinoma
支气管肺炎 alveobron chiolitis
支气管肺癌 lung bronchogenic carcinoma
支气管造影 bronchography
支派 branch
支流 tributary
支渠 distributary
支炉儿 an earthen pan with holes,us...
支点 fulcrum
支着儿 offer advice
支票 check
支票付款 payment of cheque
支票兑现 cash a check
支票划线 crossing of a check
支票存根 cheque stub
支票挂失 report the loss of check
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