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悄语低言 speak in whisper
悉力 go all out
悉听尊便 suit your own convenience ex...
悉听尊命 I will do everything as you ...
悉心 devote all one's attention
悉心照料病人 take the utmost care of the ...
悉心研究 devote oneself to the study ...
悉数 enumerate in full detail
悉数奉还 return all that has been bor...
悉诸 Xi Zhu
love and respect one's elder...
悍妇 a hot-tempered wife
悍然 outrageously
悍然不顾 rudely to brush aside
悍然不顾世界舆论的谴责 in defiance of condemnation ...
悍然不顾人民群众的反对 in flagrant disregard of the...
悍然入侵 outrageously invade
悍然宣布 brazenly declare
悍然撕毁协议 flagrantly scrap an agreemen...
悒怏不已 remained depressed.
悒悒不乐 feel sad and gloomy
悒闷 depressed
悔不当初 regret having done sth.
悔之无及 be too late to repent
悔之无益 Repentance is of no avail
悔之晚矣 It is now too late to repent...
悔恨 regret deeply
悔恨交加 mixed feelings of remorse an...
悔恨终身 regret... all one's life
悔恨莫及 cry over spilt milk
悔悟 awake from sin
悔愧交加 torn by self-recrimination a...
悔改 repent and mend one's ways
悔改前非 repent of former misdeeds
悔改态度 attitude toward repentance
悔改程度 extent of repentance
悔棋 retract a false move in a ch...
悔罪 show repentance
悔罪改过 repent and change one's erro...
悔罪者可得到赦免 Remission of sins is promise...
悔过 repent one's error
悔过书 a written statement of repen...
悔过从善 acknowledge one's errors and...
悔过自新 repent and start anew
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