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宗主国 suzerain
宗主权 suzerainty
宗亲 clan relatives
宗仰 hold in esteem
宗伯 a surname
宗伯凤 Zongbo Feng
宗匠 great master
宗室 member of the royal clan
宗室内幕 the inner stories of the Imp...
宗师 master of great learning and...
宗庙 ancestral temple or shrine o...
宗弟 a younger brother of the sam...
宗教 religion
宗教仪式 religious rites
宗教传统 religious tradition
宗教信仰 religious belief
宗教信仰自由 freedom of religious belief
宗教圣地 the Holy Land
宗教徒 a person with religious fait...
宗教戒律 religious taboo
宗教改革 religious reform
宗教政策 the policy on religion
宗教歧视 religious discrimination
宗教法庭 the Inquisition
宗教派别 religious sect
宗教界 religious circles
宗教界人士 people in religious conscien...
宗教自由 religious liberty
宗教节日 a Church festival
宗教迫害 religious persecution
宗教音乐 sacred music
宗族 patriarchal clan clansman
宗族世谱 the book of the genealogies
宗族纠纷 clan dispute
宗族观念 ancestral idea
宗旨 purpose
宗正 a surname
宗正辩 Zongzheng Bian
宗氏弟兄 elder and younger clansmen o...
宗法 patriarchal clan system
宗法制度 patriarch system
宗法社会 patriarchal society
宗泽 Zong Ze
宗派 faction
宗派主义 sectarianism
宗派主义者 sectarian
宗派斗争 factional strife
宗派活动 factional activities
宗祠 clan hall
宗祠祖庙 one's family's ancestral tem...
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