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分别先后 distinguish according to the...
分别和他们谈话 have a talk with them separa...
分别善恶 distinguish good from evil d...
分别对待 treat differently
分别轻重缓急 differentiate the important ...
分别轻重缓急加以处理 handle matters in order of i...
分别轻重缓急解决问题 solve problems in order of i...
分别首从 distinguish between the chie...
分刻度 scale division
分割 cut apart
分割别国的领土 partition territory of anoth...
分力 component of force
分力图 diagram of component forces
分包 subpackage
分包人 subcontractor
分包任务 farm-out
分包出去 job out
分包办法 subcontracting arrangement
分包合同 subcontract
分包市场 jobber market
分包散剂 chartula
分化 split up
分化作用 differentiation
分化变异 dissociation
分化变质 katamorphism
分化子 differone
分化期 idiophase
分化染色 differential stain
分化滞缓 hysterotely
分化瓦解 divide and disintegrate
分化瓦解敌人 split and disintegrate the e...
分化素 differone
分化转移 transdifferentiation
分区 subregion
分升 deciliter
分厘不差 not to make a penny's mistak...
分厘不让 not to give the slightest co...
分叉 forking
分发 give out
分发慰问品 distribute gifts as an expre...
分发证件 issue certificates individua...
分口管理 decentralized control by its...
分句 clause
分句法 phrasing
分号 semicolon branch
分号表 jumper indicator
分号计算 semicolon count
分圆 cyclotomy
分地区比例税制 different proportional rates...
分块 piecemeal
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