啸傲 leisurely and carefree | 啸声 whistle | 啸声干扰 whistle interference | 啸聚 band together | 啸聚山林 form a band and take to the ... | 啸音 whistler-type noise | 啻 only | 啼 cry | 啼哭 cry | 啼笑皆非 make me on the spot | 啼饥号寒 cry from hunger and cold | 啽呓 talk in one's sleep | 啽默 keep silent | 啾 sing | 啾啾 chirps | 喀 noise made in coughing or vo... | 喀吧 snap | 喀哒 thump | 喀啦声 crackling | 喀嚓 crack | 喀尔巴阡山 the Carpathians | 喀斯特 karst | 喀斯特作用 karstification | 喀斯特地区 karst | 喀斯特地形 karst topography |
| 喀斯特海岸 karst coast | 喀秋莎 Katyusha | 喀麦隆 Cameroon | 喀麦隆人 Cameroonian | 喁 a fish sticking its mouth ou... | 喁喁 everyone looking up to sb. | 喁喁待哺 waiting with open mouth to b... | 喁喁私语 bill and coo | 喂 feed | 喂养 feed | 喂养家禽 keep fowls | 喂养小鸡 feed the chickens | 喂奶 breast-feed | 喂牲口 feed stocks | 喂饭喂水 feed and give sb. drinks | 喃喃 mutter | 喃喃不休 endless speeches | 喃喃不平 express one's discontent by ... | 喃喃自语 mutter sth. to oneself | 喃语 lallation | 善 good | 善为说辞 put in a good word for sb. | 善举 good deed | 善事 good deed | 善于 be good at |