癌肉瘤 carcinosarcoma | 癌肿 cancerous sweling | 癌膜功能团理论 membron theory of cancer | 癌血症 carcinemia | 癌转移 cancerometastasis | 癍 rash on skin | 癍疹 ecchymosis | 癔病 hysteria | 癔病先兆 aura hysterica | 癔病患者 hysteriac | 癖 addiction | 癖嗜 addiction | 癖好 special hobby | 癖性 natural inclination | 癖积 hypochondriac lump | 癜 purplish or white patches on... | 癞 leprosy favus of the scalp | 癞头 favus-infected head | 癞头疮 scabies on the head | 癞子 a person affected with favus... | 癞狗扶不上墙 a mangy cur that won't let i... | 癞疮 impetigo | 癞病 leprosy | 癞癣 favus | 癞皮狗 mangy dog |
| 癞皮病 bark favus | 癞蛤蟆 toad | 癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉 a toad wishing to eat swan m... | 癣 tinea | 癣疥之疾 only a skin complaint | 癣痂 mycoderma | 癫 mentally deranged | 癫狂 demented | 癫症 depressive psychosis | 癫痫 epilepsia | 癫痫先兆 epileptic aura | 癫痫大发作 grand mal | 癫痫学 epileptology | 癫痫学家 epileptologist | 癫痫性痴呆 epileptic dementia | 癫痫性精神病 epileptosis | 癫痫性躁狂 epileptic mania | 癫痫患者 epileptic | 癫痫特征 epileptic character | 癯 thin | 癸 the last of the Ten Heavenly... | 癸三烯酸 Sencolaminic acid | 癸二烯 decadiene | 癸二烯酸 decatrienoic acid | 癸二腈 sebacic dinitrile |