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敖德萨 Odessa
敖德萨人 Odessan
敖陶孙 Ao Taosun
a surname
敘宗 Xu Zong
教一儆百 Teaching one man warns a hun...
教主 the founder of a religion
教义 religious doctrine
教书 teach school
教书育人 impart knowledge and educate...
教他们如何应变 teach them how to act in eme...
教代会 teachers' congress
教会 church
教会学校 missionary school
教会法规 canon law
教具 training aid
教养 bring up
教养员 kindergarten teacher
教养院 correctional
教务 educational administration
教务主任 director of teaching affairs
教务处 office of teaching affairs
教务长 Dean of Studies
教员 teacher
教员休息室 staff room
教员住宅 teacherage
教唆 instigate
教唆他人犯罪 instigate to crime
教唆作恶 urge sb. on to evildoing
教唆犯 instigator
教唆犯罪 subornation
教唆罪 guilt of instigation
教唆者 abetter
教坏 misguide
教堂 church
教堂的钟敲出低沉的响声 The church clocks strike wit...
教士 priest
教士服 soutane
教士法衣 vest
教女 god-daughter
教子 god-son
教子有方 bring up one's children prop...
教学 teaching
教学人员 faculty
教学内容 content of courses
教学内容要少而精 Teaching content should be c...
教学单元 teaching unit
教学地图 school map
教学大楼 classroom building
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