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被俘人员 captured personnel
被保护文件 protected file
被保证人 warrantee
被保险人 assured
被保险物 subject of insurance
被信任的仆人的不忠 disloyalty in trusted servan...
被免职 be dismissed from one's post
被兼并领土 annexed territory
被冰封住的一艘船 a ship sealed up in ice
被减数 minuend
被判处流刑 be condemned to exile
被刺 be assassinated detect
被刺伤 be wounded by stabbing
被剥削 be exploitedⅣ
被剥削阶级 the exploited class
被加数 addend
被加数寄存器 addend register
被加数输入门 augend in gate
被动 passive
被动性 passivity
被动性充血 passive congestion
被动挨打 being in a passive position ...
被动语态 passive voice
被劫 be robbed
被劫持 be held as a hostage
被包含子句 subsumed clause
被包围 enclosure
被包围状态 encompassment
被单 top sheet
被单布 sheeting
被历史所抛弃 be discarded by history
被压迫人民和被压迫民族的正义斗争 the just struggle of the opp...
被压迫民族 oppressed nation
被压迫的人民纷纷起来革命 The oppressed people are ris...
被叫号码 called number
被叫用户 called party
被告 defendant
被告人有权获得辩护 The accused has the right to...
被告席 dock
被告有权申辩 The accused has the right to...
被命运愚弄 be the fool of fate
被囚 be thrown into prison
被困于倒塌大楼里的人们的哭喊声令人心碎 The cries of those imprisone...
被处死刑 be put to death
被复线 insulate line
被外貌蒙骗 cheated by appearance
被大火所毁的森林 forest ravaged by fire
被套 bed sack
被套料 inlet material
被她迷住了 be infatuated with her confu...
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