干哭无泪 wail a few times without she... | 干嚎 howling without tears | 干土 dry ground | 干地黄 dried rehmannia root | 干型 baked mould | 干型涂料 dry sand facing | 干型砂 dry sand | 干型铸造 dry sand casting | 干墙 dry wall | 干女儿 adopted daughter rough | 干妈 a woman whose position is ro... | 干姜 rhizoma zingiberis | 干季 dry season | 干宝 Gan Bao dried food | 干将 a capable person | 干尸 mummification | 干尸化 mummification | 干尽勾当 do every evil thing | 干尽坏事 do every evil | 干屈心的事 do a mean thing | 干己 a surname | 干己衍 Ganji Yan | 干巴 dried up | 干巴巴 dull and dry | 干干净净 clean and fresh |
| 干干脆脆 flat and plain | 干度计 drimeter | 干式船台 dry shipway | 干得很出色 do a remarkable job | 干得漂亮 well done | 干得真棒 have done a good job | 干得非常起劲 work with unusual vigour | 干态 dry state | 干急 be anxious,but unable to do ... | 干性 dryness | 干性心包炎 dry pericarditis | 干性月经 xeromenia | 干性油 dry oil empty | 干性皮脂溢 seborrhea sicca | 干性胸膜炎 dry pleurisy | 干性鼻炎 rhinitis sicca | 干戈 weapons of war | 干戈四起 Civil war breaks out in the ... | 干戈扰攘 in the tumult of a raging wa... | 干才 ability | 干打垒 tamped-earth house | 干打垒墙 pisé de terre | 干打垒建筑 pisedeterre | 干扰 disturb | 干扰阈 interference threshold |