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赞美 praise
赞美不尽 be beyond praise
赞美四个现代化 sing the praises of the four...
赞美诗 hymn
赞誉 praise
赞许 speak favourably of
赞语 words of praise
赞赏 appreciate
赞赏他的工作能力 admire his capacity for work
赞颂 extol
fine big
give as a present
赠与 favour
赠与人 donor
赠与合同 contract of gift
赠与税 gift tax
赠与证书 deed of gift
赠予 grant
赠以鲜花 present sb. with a bouquet a...
赠券 a complimentary ticket
赠品 gift
赠本 a presentation copy
赠款 grant
赠款人 donor
赠礼 present
赠票 a free ticket
赠答 present each other with gift...
赠股 donated stock
赠言 words of advice or encourage...
赠送 give as a present
赠送仪式 presentation ceremony
赠阅 given free by the publisher
赠阅本 complimentary copy
赡养 support
赡养家属 providing support for the de...
赡养父母 wait on and support one's pa...
赡养费 alimony
赡家 support a family
赡家养口 support one's family
赡家汇款 family maintenance remittanc...
赡思 Shan Si
赢余 surplus
赢利三百元 make a profit of 300 yuan
赢利股 bonus dividend
赢得 gain
赢得一分 score a point
赢得国际声誉 attain international reputat...
赢得声誉 win a high reputation
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