主人以次给来宾斟酒 The host filled the guest's ... |
主人公 leading character in a novel... |
主人翁 master |
主人翁责任感 act with a high sense of res... |
主人赏给他一锭银子 His master granted him a sma... |
主人鞠躬迎接客人进屋 The host bowed his guests in... |
主仆 master and servant |
主从 the primary and the secondar... |
主从关系 the relationship between the... |
主从复合句 subordinative compound |
主价 primary valency |
主任 director |
主任医生 archiater |
主任委员 chairman of committee |
主任工务员 fore-overman |
主任工程师 engineer in charge |
主任检验师 chief analyst |
主任秘书 chief secretary |
主伐 final felling |
主伐林木 main crop |
主伐面积 area of the final fell |
主体 main body |
主体和客体 subject and object |
主体工程 main part of a project |
主体思想 juche idea |