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个体繁殖 individual reproduction
个体经济 individual economy
个体经济制度 individual economy
个体经营执照 individual license
个体经营者 individual operator
个体防护 individual protection
个例研究 case study
个儿 size
个别 individual
个别价值 individual value
个别合同 specific contract
个别合约 specific contract
个别呼叫 individual calling
个别命令 specific order
个别差异 individual differences
个别心理差异 individual psychological dif...
个别情况不算数 Isolated instances do not co...
个别控制 individual control
个别照顾 special consideration for in...
个别细节 detail
个别能级 single level
个别训练 individual training
个别谈话 have a talk with someone in ...
个别资本 individual capital
个别辅导 individual coaching
个别项目 end item
个头仿佛 be about the same heights
个头儿 size
个子 height
个子矮的孩子坐在前边 The shorter children are to ...
个性 specific character
个性人格 personalism
个性倾向 personality trend
个性心理学 individuality psychology
个性心理特征 mental characteristics of in...
个性教育 personal education
个性测验 personality test
个性特征 personality characteristics
个性结构 personality structure
个性鉴定 personality assessment
个把 one or two
个把月 a month or so
个案史 case history
个案研究 case study
丫头 girl slave girl
丫杈 fork
丫鬟 slave girl
中上水平 above the average
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