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财政支出 financial expenditure
财政收入 revenue
财政收支包干 contract system on revenue a...
财政收支差额 imbalance between revenue an...
财政收支平衡 balancing budgetary revenues...
财政收支预算 the Estimates
财政政策 financial policy
财政机构 fiscal institution
财政条件 financial terms
财政法 the financial law
财政法案 finance bill
财政法规 financial laws and regulatio...
财政混乱 troubled finance
财政独立 independent finances
财政监督 financial supervision
财政监督管理 financial supervision and co...
财政税收 fiscal levy
财政税收体制 fiscal and taxation system
财政稳健政策 financial prudence
财政管理 management through finance
财政红利 financial bonus
财政纪律 financial regulations
财政纪律松驰 Financial discipline is lax.
财政经济委员会 Financial and Economic Commi...
财政结余 surplus in the budget
财政虚收 nominal revenues
财政补帖 financial subsidies
财政议案 money bills
财政负担 financial burden
财政资助 finanical support
财政赤字 financial deficits
财政部 the Ministry of Finance
财政部证券 treasury bill
财政部长 the minister of finance
财政金融危机 financial and monetary crisi...
财政金融学院 financial and monetary insti...
财政长期债券 treasury bonds
财政预算 financial budget
财权 property ownership
财气 luck in making big money
财浅愁深 A light purse makes a heavy ...
财源 financial resources
财源涸竭 The resources are exhausted.
财源滚滚 profits pouring in from all ...
财源茂盛 The source of wealth is abun...
财物 property
财破灾消 free oneself from troubles b...
财礼 betrothal gifts
财神 the god of wealth
财经 finance and economics
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