海关检疫 customs quarantine control |
海关法 customs law |
海关申报单 customs declaration |
海关登记 customs entry |
海关监管 customs supervision |
海关监管区 customs supervision zone |
海关税则 customs tariff |
海关税收 customs revenue |
海关组织 customs organization |
海关经纪人 customhouse broker |
海关结关 customs clearance |
海关缉私官员 customs preventive officer |
海关艇 customs boat |
海关规章 customs regulations |
海关许可证明书 customs eadquarters of the c... |
海关过境单 customs transit document |
海关进口税则 customs import tariff |
海关退税 customs drawback |
海关退税凭单 debenture |
海关通行证 customs pass |
海内 within the four seas |
海内人望 be the cynosure of the whole... |
海内名士 the most distinguished men o... |
海内孤本 only extant copy of a rare b... |
海内宗仰 be held in esteem throughout... |