Some pictures , several rugs , a few small pieces of bric - a - brac , and the tale of contents is told 几张画,几块小地毯,还有几件小古玩,这些就是屋里的全部摆设了。
The wide rooms seemed too narrow for his rolling gait , and to himself he was in terror lest his broad shoulders should collide with the doorways or sweep the bric - a - brac from the low mantel 他心里还暗自紧张,怕他那巨大的肩膀会撞上门框或是把矮架上的小摆设拂到地上。
The set consists only of platforms , scaffolding , cagelike balconies and ratty bric - a - brac , but it extends by catwalks and planks through both levels of the theater 舞台道具不过是些平台、脚手架、笼形阳台,还有耗子出没的老古董,但是通过安装栈道和木板,舞台延伸到整个剧场的两侧。
The wide rooms seemed too narrow for his rolling gait , and to himself he was in terror lest his broad shoulders should collide with the doorways or sweep the bric - a - brac from the low mantel 那宽阔的房间似乎装不下他那晃动的脚步,心里还暗自紧张,怕他那巨大的肩膀会撞上门框或是把矮架上的小摆设拂到地上。
And besides , it did not seem reasonable that he should be right - he who had stood , so short a time before , in that same living room , blushing and awkward , acknowledging his introduction , looking fearfully about him at the bric - a - brac his swinging shoulders threatened to break , asking how long since swinburne died , and boastfully announcing that he had read " excelsior " and the " psalm of life . 而且,要说他对也讲不过去不久以前,就在这起坐间里,他在被人介绍时还脸红,还尴尬,还害怕地望看那些小摆设,生怕他那晃动的肩头会把它们碰下来还在问史文朋已经死了多久还在夸耀地宣称他读过精益求精和生命礼赞。
The rooms were too big for her and had never been completely furnished . the vulgar sumptuosity of gilded consoles and gilded chairs formed a crude contrast therein to the bric - a - brac of a secondhand furniture shop - to mahogany round tables , that is to say , and zinc candelabras , which sought to imitate florentine bronze 这套房子对她来说,显得太大了,里面的家具从来没有配全过,陈设豪华而刺眼,几张金色的蜗形脚桌子和几张椅子与从旧货商那里买来的旧货枣几张独脚桃花心木小圆桌几盏模仿佛罗伦萨青铜制品的锌制菱形大烛台摆在一起,显得很不协调。