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用"brander"造句"brander"怎么读"brander" in a sentence


  • n.


  • But in the second phase , all of these theories can still be categorized into 4 kinds : dynamic comparative advantage theories , such as the new factors theories by baldwin and kenen , the life - cycle theory by vernon and hirsh , etc ; intra - industry trade theories such as product differentiation model by stiglitz and dixit , the strategy trade theory by spense , brander and krugman , and so on ; the endogenous trade theory such as technology overflow effect and learning curves theory by romer and krugman , the neo - classic trade theory by tucher and young , and the like ; and the competitive advantage theory by michael porter
  • Asset of 4580 , 000 yuan , and employs a highly qualified staff of 82 including technical specialists with medium or senior professional titles . our main products , e . g . gap serial microvacuum - nonpressure filling machine , cb80 - 8 automatic linear filling machine , tn60c tn100a adhesive brander , fx - 8 multi - functional auto cap covering machine , tn 150 adhesive label brander etc . , have obtained 3 national patents , and have passed the evaluation and authentication of gangs technical monitoring bureau with the authoritative no . y96f2606 - 32


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