Pragnanam brahma . what is this pragna (梵识)般若智慧。什么是般若?
I believe this is the worship to brahma 下面是在祭祀梵天? ?
So in that moment , that instant , the cry shot right up to the brahma world 就在那个时刻、那个瞬间,呼声直达梵天界。
So in that moment , that instant , the cry shot right up to the brahma worlds 就在那个时刻、那个瞬间,呼声直达梵天界。
It is very convenient . " brahma s net " is extremely vast , and overlooks no one 这个网是很大的网,叫梵天网,一点点都不漏的。
Shakyamuni buddha mentioned the 10 benefits of light offerings in tune of brahma 释迦牟尼佛在梵天之歌里提到燃灯供养之功德
In reality , all puranas extol the virtues of mainly vishnu and shiva , and there are few references to brahma 事实上,所有宇宙古史主要地赞美毗瑟奴和湿婆的优点,很少提到梵天。
In hinduism , the trimurti ( also called the hindu trinity ) are three aspects of god in his forms as brahma , vishnu and shiva 在印度教,三神一体(也称为印度教的三位一体)是神的三个主要外貌:梵天,毗瑟奴和湿婆。
The ganges , according to the legends of the ramayana , rises in heaven , whence owing to brahma s agency , it descends to the earth 按照罗摩衍那圣传上记载,恒河发源于天上,多亏卜拉马的努力,这条河才从天上流到人间。
Evidence for this belief is found in the vedas itself , where in the upanishads they are described as the very " breath of god " ( nihsvasitam brahma ) 迹象表明这种信仰也可以在吠陀本身找到,在《奥义书》 ,它们被完全描述为“神的呼吸” 。