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用"boxcar"造句"boxcar"怎么读"boxcar" in a sentence"boxcar"的同义词


  • 箱车;〔美国〕有盖货车;〔pl.〕骰子的十二点〔在双骰赌中掷出者为输〕;【物理学】矩形波串。


  • At 4 pounds per square inch overpressure the damage to a loaded wooden boxcar was more severe .
  • Why ? . so they don ' t put you in a boxcar
  • Soon the stream which ran beside the camp overflowed and water entered the boxcars
  • The family found at last a migrant crowd encamped in abandoned boxcars along a stream
  • At 4 pounds per square inch overpressure the damage to a loaded wooden boxcar was more severe
    在每平方? 4磅的超压作用下,装有货物的木质车厢受到较严重的损坏。
  • At 4 pounds per square inch overpressure the damage to a loaded wooden boxcar was more severe
    在每平方?? 4磅的超压作用下,装有货物的木质车厢受到较严重的损坏。
  • Neither in the dream nor in the boxcars do we get a full - on glimpse of the son , christopher mccandless ( played by emile hirsch )
    无论是在梦里,还是在车厢里,我们都不能完美地瞥见那个儿子,克里斯多佛?麦坎德利斯(由埃米尔?赫斯基扮演) 。
  • By testing and adjusting the system again and again , we have the basic functions such as adding , storage , transmission of the data of digital boxcar , and the basic sampling signal testing
  • On the basis of the research of former graduates , we design the hardware & software of digital boxcar by employing the high - speed ad fpga chip and the usb protocol controller chip , , and we realized the high - speed sampling , digital adding , high - speed storage , data transmission and interface circuits of pc successfully
    根据实验室前几届研究生的积累,前人研究方案的基础上,利用ad芯片、 fpga芯片和usb协议控制芯片重新设计了boxcar的硬件实现电路和相应的检测软件。
  • This dissertation is focus on the temperature sensitive mechanism of the brillouin - scattering signal and on the basis of domestic techniques , the methods and approaches of signal detection and processing in distributed brillouin fiber - optical sensor system . a digital multi - point average method ( digital boxcar ) has been proposed based on the characteristics and the sorts of fiber - optical sensors and by analysis the feature of the brillouin - scattering signal , and also comparisons of all sorts of weak - signal detection theory
    论文在全面了解光纤传感器的分类和特点及分布式光纤传感器的原理和发展历程的基础上,通过分析被检测的光纤布里渊后向散射信号的特点,研究和比较了微弱信号检测的各种方法,最终选定了多点数字信号平均(数字boxcar )的处理方案。


  • a freight car with roof and sliding doors in the sides

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