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用"bowlder"造句"bowlder"怎么读"bowlder" in a sentence"bowlder"的同义词


  • n.


  • Huck accompanied them no further . he hid behind a great bowlder and fell to listening
  • Bowlder is carved to be jade . wood pullulates to be ridgepole . nature is original . nature flooring - - - - - great minds become great talent
  • The large bowlder surface of dinner table must be uplifted vertically in avoidance of breakage . the small one shall also be held vertically instead of horizontally
  • Wood . paper . leather . choth . organic glass . resin . acrylic . wollens . plastic . rubber . ceramic tile . crystal bowlder bamoo bnd other non - metal material
  • On this morning of the great snow , perchance , which is still raging and chilling men ' s blood , i bear the muffled tone of their engine bell from out the fog bank of their chilled breath , which announces that the cars are coming , without long delay , notwithstanding the veto of a new england northeast snow - storm , and i behold the plowmen covered with snow and rime , their heads peering , above the mould - board which is turning down other than daisies and the nests of field mice , like bowlders of the sierra nevada , that occupy an outside place in the universe
    在特大风雪的黎明,风雪还在吹刮,冻结着人类的血液呢,我听到他们的火车头的被蒙住了的钟声,从那道雾? ?的冻结了的呼吸中传来,宣告列车来了,并未误点,毫不理睬新英格兰的东北风雪的否决权,我看到那铲雪者,全身雪花和冰霜,眼睛直瞅着它的弯形铁片,而给铁片翻起来的并不仅仅是雏菊和田鼠洞,还有像内华达山上的岩石,那些在宇宙外表占了一个位置的一切东西。
  • On this morning of the great snow , perchance , which is still raging and chilling men ' s blood , i bear the muffled tone of their engine bell from out the fog bank of their chilled breath , which announces that the cars are coming , without long delay , notwithstanding the veto of a new england northeast snow - storm , and i behold the plowmen covered with snow and rime , their heads peering , above the mould - board which is turning down other than daisies and the nests of field mice , like bowlders of the sierra nevada , that occupy an outside place in the universe


  • a large smooth mass of rock detached from its place of origin


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