Outside the bovine host, the organism can be readily cultured . 这种微生物在宿主牛体外,容易被培养。
A number of countries have virtually eradicated bovine tuberculosis from cattle . 许多国家实际上已消灭了牛结核菌。
A captive wildebeest calf was inoculated with virulent bovine blood . 把活捉到的一头犊角马用有毒力的牛血液进行了接种。
Viral bovine rhinotracheitis simulates and may be combined with shipping fever . 牛病毒性鼻气管炎和运输热相似,并可能和运输热同时发生。
Only fragmentary information on pathogenesis of bovine malignant catarrhal fever is available . 关于牛恶性卡他热的病理发生,仅能获得一些零星的资料。
The enzymes prepared from pea, rat liver and bovine brain were composed of fewer subunits than the microbial enzymes . 从豌豆、鼠肝和牛脑制备的酶比微生物中的酶包含的亚基少。
She quite enjoyed the sensation of bovine ignorance with which the cook's tourist surrenders himself into the hands of a custodian . 她很欣赏那个库克观光者沉溺于听管理人员的话时那种迟钝无知的感觉。
Diagnostic techniques for bovine spongiform encephalopathy 牛海绵状脑病诊断技术
Expression of bovine interleukin - 2 gene in pichia pastoris 2在毕赤酵母中的表达
Isolation and culture of bovine fetal fibroblasts 牛胎儿成纤维细胞分离与体外培养