Particles, such as pi-mesons, requiring symmetric wave functions are called bosons . 要求对称波函数的粒子,如介子,叫做玻色子。
In superconductors, the bosons are the pairs of bound electrons that form at the fermi surface . 在超导体中,玻色子是在费密表面形成的束缚态电子对。
Operations guide : mouse control , point right boson 操作指南:鼠标控制,点右边的色子。
Vortex solution in charge boson system 荷电玻色子系统的涡旋解
The new style of boson paopaolong oh , very special not only cute 新款的色子泡泡哦,不仅可爱还很特别呢!
Introduction : the new style of boson paopaolong oh , very special not only cute 新款的色子泡泡哦,不仅可爱还很特别呢!
Being here , we recived a warm welcome . from the boson of me heart , i have to say thank you to you 同时,我们受到了你们的热情欢迎和款。在这里,我们深表感谢。
That provides researchers with an upper limit for the mass of the higgs boson , which helps focus the search 这个结果提供了希格斯玻色子质量的上限,将有助研究人员寻找希格斯粒子。
It predicted the existence of the w and z bosons , the gluon and two of the heavier quarks ( the charm and the top quark ) 它预测了w玻色子、 z玻色子、胶子以及两种较重的夸克(魅、顶夸克) 。
According to goldstone theorem , the goldstone bosons with zero mass will emerge as the chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken 由goldstone理论可知,当手征自发破缺时会生成零质量的goldstone玻色子。