He needs a pesticide that will kill corn borers . 他需要一种能消灭玉米螟虫的杀虫剂。
In addition new borers and fungi have been introduced on imported materials . 此外,许多新的木材玷孔虫和腐朽菌也随进口木材引入了这些国家。
Organisms that cause polymer deterioration include bacteria, fungi, marine animals, and borers of various types . 能够造成聚合物劣化的生物体很多,如细菌、真菌、海生动物和各种蛀虫等。
If the borer has been properly located and drilled into the pith, a record of growth and age is obtainable for that position on the tree . 如果生长锥放的位置适当,钻入木髓即可得到树木那个部位的生长记录和年龄。
Rules for vacuum fumigation treatment of wood borers 林木蛀干害虫真空熏蒸处理规程
Economic threshold for the control of apple fruit borer 桃小食心虫的防治标准
Analysis of low - speed of engine of thread - type borer in altiplano area 旋挖钻机发动机高原掉转分析
Economic threshold of the rice stem borer 水稻二化螟防治标准
Reform of the process technique of txb - 1600 borer rotator shell 1600型钻机回转器外壳加工工艺的改进
Finite element analysis of mast section structure of thread - type borer 旋挖钻机常用钻桅截结构的有限元分析