This behavior leads to predictions of numerous strange phenomena , such as the reversal of the usual doppler effect ( traveling toward a wave results in a redshift instead of a blueshift ) 这种特性使大家预测将出现许多奇特的现象,例如反转的都卜勒效应(朝向波而前进会造成红移,而不是蓝移) 。
It is indicated that the cavity modes blueshift with decreased radius , and on decreasing radii there is obvious anticross between the three polaritons resulted from interaction between cavity modes and its corresponding exciton modes 结果表明随著微腔半径的减小腔模能量蓝移,腔模与相应的重空穴激子模、轻空穴激子模藕合形成的腔极化激元的三支随著微腔半径的减小存在明显的反交叉行为。
( 3 ) the electric field breaks the energy degeneracy for symmetrical impurity position in the well , the results show that the redshift and blueshift of the impurity stark energy shift as the impurity position . ( 4 ) under the same external electric field , the impurity stark energy shift is obviously different with the different aspect ratio of the quantum well wires ( 3 )当施主离子位于势阱中不同位置时,零电场下量子阱线中的杂质态是关于施主离子位置中心对称的简并态,在外加电场作用下发生能级分裂,这种简并不再存在;杂质的stark能移由于施主离子位置的不同表现为红移或蓝移。
A blueshift is any decrease in wavelength (increase in frequency); the opposite effect is referred to as redshift. In visible light, this shifts the color from the red end of the spectrum to the blue end.