The disseminated blebs are generally composed of one pyrrhotite individual accompanied by varying amounts of pentandite and chalcopyrite . 分散的泡体常由磁黄铁矿个体与多少不等的镍黄铁矿及黄铜矿共生。
This revealed that the defect was attributable to the rupture of a small bleb in the diaphragmatic dome 术中显示缺损是由横膈圆顶小泡泡破裂形成。
It may resemble a pimple, or a tiny white blister on the nipple, and is often called a milk bleb, or nipple blister 奶泡看起来就象是一个小脓疱,或者是乳头上的一个小白泡,通常被称为“奶泡”或者“乳头泡”。
Results the functional filtering bleb and intraocular pressure got better in treatment group those than in control group with remarkably significance ( p < 0.05 ) 结果术后治疗组功能性滤过泡的形成及眼压控制率均高于对照组,p<0.05,差异有显著性。
Prepotent 5 in virus of afterbirth of large and small shows masculine gender, rheumatism bleb shows masculine gender, it is long-dated infection, have very big effect to be pregnant excuse me 优生五项中巨细胞病毒呈阳性,风湿疱疹呈阳性,是远期感染,请问对怀孕有很大的影响吗
Methods 8 out of total 9 cases ( 9 eyes ) were treated by vitrectomy, combined with filtering bleb repairing with donated sclera and self conjunctive 方法9例(9眼)中,8例行玻璃体切除联合异体巩膜修补、自体结膜瓣遮盖,其中3例在内窥镜引导下行玻璃体切除联合睫状突光凝术;1例保守治疗。
The highly concentrated formula can significantly relieve, appease the skin and resist allergy, relieve facial bleb infections and tensioned sensitive skin, leave the skin fine, smooth, fair and bright again 高浓度配方有显著舒缓、镇静、防敏的功效,能减轻面?的感染现象,可缓和紧张的敏感皮肤,令皮肤回复细嫩幼滑、白皙透亮。
Objective to discuss the causes, characteristics, operation methods and postprocessing of infectious endophthalmitis following filtering bleb leaking, and to improve the cognition and treatment achievement ratio about this disease 摘要目的探讨抗青光眼术后滤过泡漏致感染性眼内炎的原因、临床特点、手术方式及术后处理,以期提高其救治成功率。
Conclusion amniotic applying trabeculectomy can prevent scar organization filtering bleb to take shape effectively, and can effective to keep functionality filtering bleb for a long bleb for a time, improve the success rate of operation further 结论将无菌处理、无传染病、低温保存的羊膜应用于小梁切除术,可有效防止滤过泡的瘢痕组织形成,进一步提高青光眼手术成功率。
Conclusion amniotic applying trabeculectomy can prevent scar organization filtering bleb to take shape effectively, and can effective to keep functionality filtering bleb for a long bleb for a time, improve the success rate of operation further 结论将无菌处理、无传染病、低温保存的羊膜应用于小梁切除术,可有效防止滤过泡的瘢痕组织形成,进一步提高青光眼手术成功率。