

  • bittorrent协议规范
  • bt技术
  • 开后窗口太多
  • 来用
  • 没想到居然成功了从此
  • 速度也慢
  • 下载是宽带时代新兴的



  • 例句与用法
  • Multilanguage bittorrent client developed in c
  • Bittorrent jobs slow down other download jobs , what can i do
  • Bittorrent files download support
  • Q . bittorrent jobs slow down other download jobs , what can i do
    Q .开启了bt下载任务后其他下载任务变慢了怎么办
  • Most college or university networks will block the ports required for bittorrent
  • Bittorrent - a tool for distributing files . it redistributes upload load among current downloaders , allowing for just about any number of downloads to be hosted on a relatively small net connection
  • A . the bittorrent downloads don t limit the speed in the default setting of flashget , if you think the other download jobs are slow when the bittorrent jobs are running , you can limit the bittorrent speed : right click on the bittorrent job , select the properties , tehn select the " advanced " , enable the " enable the job specific settings " , then modify the " download speed " and " upload speed " ; if you want to limit all the bittorrent jobs , you can go to tools - options . - bit torrent , and setting the " global max download speed " and the " globalmax upload speed "
    A .缺省情况下,快车是不对bt下载做限速的,如果您发现bt下载干扰了其他下载,请在bt下载任务上单击右键,选择属性,然后进入高级设置,启用“允许单独设置任务参数” ,对bt下载做速度限制一劳永逸的方法是统一对bt下载做速度限制,请进入工具-选项- bt ,调整“全局下载速度限制”和“全局上传速度限制”两个参数。
  • And most of security measures are not effective in bt net , too . so how to protect bt net , how to improve the security of bt , is becoming more and more important . at first , the analysis of bt protocol and client codes illuminates the distributing and equity feature of bt net
  • 百科解释
BitTorrent is a protocol that supports the practice of peer-to-peer file sharing and is used for distributing large amounts of data over the Internet. BitTorrent is one of the most common protocols for transferring large files and peer-to-peer networks have been estimated to collectively account for approximately 43% to 70% of all Internet traffic (depending on geographical location) .
  • 推荐英语阅读
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