The bisection method finds only one of them . 二分法只求得其中之一。
Next two problems illustrates a general method called a bisection argument . 下列两题说明一种一般的方法,称为对分法。
The bisection method applied in strength reduction method of bearing capacity of foundation 二分法在确定地基承载力的强度折减法中的应用
The numerical results show that the method can effectively solve the max - bisection problem 数值实验表明该方法可以有效地求解大规模的图的最大二等分问题
In traditional atm networks , the most widely used dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm is known as “ bisection algorithm ” 在传统的atm网络中,使用最为广泛的动态分配带宽的最优算法是二分法。
Up - down bisection is an arc , horizontal type . innovative insert plates and fixing bolts are used to fix and seal fosc , and its installation is quite simple 光缆接头盒外形按弧线型卧式结构设计,上下对开,整体采用创新的插板卡紧结构和少量螺钉固定密封,安装极为方便。
Both theoretical proof and numerical experiments indicate that this algorithm is convergent and effective for solving large - scale semidefinite programming . in the following section , we work over the bisection problems 数值实验与理论分析均表明该算法适用于求解大规模问题,且具有良好的收敛性;其次,研究了电路二等分问题。
In the paper , we discuss the equation about angle bisector of intersecting line in the analytic geometry and the equation about the bisection planes of dihedral angles in analytic geometry of three dimensions 摘要主要讨论了平面解析几何中和空间解析几何两相交直线夹角平分线方程及空间直角坐标系下两相交平面的二面角的角平分面方程。
The experiments show that the performance of our method is similar to the ye - 0 . 699 algorithm , which is the best approximate algorithm in polynomial time . but our method can effectively solve the max - bisection problem with a large scale . 2 数值实验表明,该方法与ye - 0 . 699近似算法(现有的求解图的最大二等分问题的最好的多项式时间近似算法)得到的解的性能几乎没有差异
The new algorithm bases on bisection and secant iteration , which is different cuppen ' s method and newton iteration . the results of theoretical analysis and numerical testing show that convergent rant of our algorithm is obviously faster that of the classical algorithm 该算法以割线法迭代为基础,明显不同与传统的newton迭代法,理论和数值实验表明改进的算法的收敛性比经典算法好