Production of value-added bioplastics with ethanol in biorefinery of biomass 高能效太阳能温室的应用
biorefinery is a new technique which uses the agriculture waste, starch of plant and lignocellulose substance as raw materials to pro duce various chemicals, fuel and biomaterials 摘要生物炼制是一种利用农业废弃物、植物基淀粉和木质纤维素材料为原料,生产各种化学品、燃料和生物基材料的新型技术。
In this paper, the research progresses of several high additional co-product, such as furfural, xylose, xylitol, oligo-xylose, fuel ethanol and soon, produced with cod through the biorefinery are reviewed 概述了利用生物炼制技术用玉米芯生产糠醛、木糖、木糖醇、低聚木糖和燃料酒精等一系列高附加值产品的研究进展。