He is now collecting material for a biography of tao yuanming . 他正在为写陶渊明传记搜集材料。
I found in his 201 file a remarkable civilian and military biography . 在他的201号档案中,我读到了一段他入伍前后很不一般的经历。
After reading a biography of lincoln he was able to tell many stories about the president . 他读了林肯的传记后,能讲出许多关于这位总统的故事。
From the many days and nights of talks finally came that great biography of zhu de called "the great road" . 从那许多日日夜夜的谈话中,终于产生了朱德的伟大传记《伟大的道路》。
In the same way, the essence of a manhis personalitycan only be known as it unfolds itself in his biography . 同样,一个人的本质(他的个性),也只有当他的经历展示了他自己时才能被理解。
Finally, the editor of an enterprising monthly magazine reprinted the poem, supplementing it by a photograph and biography of presley . 后来,有一家野心勃勃的月刊的编辑转载了那首诗,还附着一张普瑞斯莱的相片和小传。
Rachel stevens biography : full name : rachel lauren stevens 瑞琪史蒂文资料简介:
Kate hudson biography : full name : kate garry hudson 姓名: kate hudson凯特哈德森
Azumi kawashima biography : name : azumi kawashima 姓名:川岛和津实azumi kawashima
On the modernization of biography creation in china 中国传记文学创作的现代转型
biographiesとは意味:{名} : 伝記{でんき}、経歴{けいれき}、人物紹介{じんぶつ しょうかい}、略歴{りゃくれき}、一代記{いちだいき}◆【略】biog The unauthorized biography about the actor was full of errors and mistakes. その俳優の非公式な伝記は、間違いだらけだった。 -------------------------------...