The truck bespattered my new suit with mud . 卡车把我的新衣服溅一身泥。
He was quizzed and bespattered . 他遭到了挖苦,诋毁。
The truck bespattered my clothes with mud 卡车溅得我满身衣服都是泥浆。
The blood - bespattered smith walked on a level with them 工人和看热闹的吵吵嚷嚷地跟着他俩走。
The blood - bespattered smith stood beside him with a gloomy air 脸上糊着血的铁匠阴沉地站在他身旁。
" i saw her , the other day , bespatter the governor himself with water , at the cattle - trough in spring lane “有一天,我看到她在春巷的畜槽边,竟然往总督身上泼水。
Bolhovitinov was bespattered all over , and on rubbing his face with his sleeve , had smudged that too with mud 博尔霍维季诺夫周身是泥,他用衣袖擦脸的时候,又擦了一脸的泥巴。
And now hes driven us to the last point , and hes made off . seeing the mob and the blood - bespattered smith , the man paused , and the bootmakers with inquisitive eagerness joined the moving crowd 说话的工匠看见一大群人和一个血淋淋的人,就默不作声,所有的靴匠都带着急不可耐的好奇心朝那群向前移动的人走出。
spot, splash, or soil; "The baby spattered the bib with food" 同义词:spatter,