They were to gather fresh leaves and berries for her bed . 他们要为她的床上采集鲜叶和浆果。
This berry is a favorite with the natives of the interior of new england . 这种浆果是新英格兰内地人最喜欢吃的。
The results of his experiments were, among other plants, an especially strong cherry tree; a black berry plant without thorns; and a larger, sweeter and smoother raspberry . 在他进行试验所取得的成果中,以下几项特别值得一提,一种特别茁壮的樱桃树,无刺的黑莓树和一种又大又甜,滑溜滚圆的木莓。
To sailboats and gibble-grated berry-juice bladders 到帆船和洒满果酱的桔子汁。
Notify me of updates to wild berries flavoured tea 野莓果果味红茶更新时通知我
To sailboats and gibble-grated berry-juice bladders 到帆船和洒满果酱的桔子汁。
Hey . just going to get those berries i promised you 嗨,到我说的那片莓子林里去
What about the, you know, the berries 那什么怎么样了?您知道吧,那个,果子……
You ought not to pick that color berry any more 你不应该再摘这个颜色的果子了
So, terri boo berry, what are you up to this summer 那,特瑞.布.班瑞暑假打算干吗