The last little act of beneficence soothed bonhag's lacerated soul a little . 这最后的小恩惠略微缓和了些邦哈苦痛的灵魂。
Upon more particular inquiry, jeame found new occasion to admire the active beneficence of her friend the duke of arggle . 珍妮详细地询问了情况以后,感到需要进一步感谢她的朋友阿盖尔公爵的恩德。
The enterpriser ' s beneficence is well - known 这位企业家的善行是众所皆知的。
Mikami tokutarohas say he will use these money for beneficence 三神得太郎说将用这些钱来修复福利设施
He has a softness and beneficence winning on the hearts of others 他有种温和仁慈的气质,赢得了其他人的心。
I owuld donate the whole amount of money to orbis annoymously to support beneficence 我会以无名氏之名把一百万全数捐给奥比斯,支持慈善
The ethical principles of non - maleficence and beneficence might be used as justifications for overriding her autonomy 道德的无罪和有利原则可以用来证明践踏自主性的正当性。
The thought of persuading beneficence from yuan huang and enterprise of charity in the south of yangtze river during the ming and qing dynasties 袁黄劝善思想与明清江南地区的慈善事业
Firstly , the content of legal values are limited . they are not able to include some goals such as beneficence and love 在关涉到情感的领域,法永远无法满足州门所有的主观需要,不能承载州门对仁慈、爱等价值目标的追求。