His bellicose disposition alienated his friend . 他生性好斗,他的朋友们都疏远了他。
Faber had imagined them to be young, fit, aggressive and bellicose as well as clever . 在费伯的想象中,他们都是年富力强,逞能好斗,聪明伶俐的人。
They forgot that they had assaulted as far too bellicose the same foreign policy that five years later they denounced as strategic retreat . 他们忘记了他们曾经猛烈抨击外交政策太好战,而在五年之后,他们又把同样的外交政策斥之为战略撤退。
China is an authoritarian government that can sound very bellicose 中国是一个威权政府,有时候显得非常好战。
That said , americans want a tough president , not a psychopath : some of her republican rivals remain worryingly bellicose 尽管这样,美国还是需要一位强硬的总统,而不是一个好战的疯子:她的一些共和党对手却依然好战,让人忧虑。
Ritually castrated , he was trained as an imperial eunuch and assigned to the court of zhu di , the bellicose prince of yan 1382年,汉人军队赶走蒙古人时将他俘掳,依例阉割之后,训练他成为一名太监,指派到好战的燕王朱棣宫廷中。
The chant " you ' re going home in an ambulance " now sounds less like a bellicose and implausible threat and more like a statement of fact “你将搭乘救护车回家”的球迷歌曲现在听上去更像是陈述事实,而不是好战的和不真实的威胁。
Sir ? much as one condemns the bellicose behaviour of hizbullah in lebanon and the hostile actions of hamas in palestine , it is hard to understand how israel could justify its retaliation as self defence 先生?正如一个人谴责黎巴嫩真主党的好战行为和巴勒斯坦哈马斯的敌对举动一样,很难理解为什么以色列能把它的复仇行径说成是自卫。
having or showing a ready disposition to fight; "bellicose young officers"; "a combative impulse"; "a contentious nature" 同义词:battleful, combative,