They said kelso got some rascally adventurer, some belgian brute, to insult his son-in-law in public . 他们说是凯尔索指使某个下贱的冒险家,一个比利时恶棍,来当众侮辱他的女婿。
A state which would exercise this right should notify its intention to other states through the belgian government . 欲行使此项权利的国家,应通过比利时政府将其意图通知其他国家。
In the event of one of the contracting states wishing to denounce the present convention, the denunciation shall be notified in writing to the belgian government . 如有缔约国欲退出本公约,应以书面通知比利时政府。
Any contracting party having made a reservation in accordance with paragraph 1 may at any time withdraw this reservation by notification to the belgian government . 根据第一款作出保留的任何缔约国,可在任何时候通知比利时政府撤消此保留。
The belgian private-banking industry is booming 比利时的私人银行业正蓬勃发展。
Even the u, n, belgian soldiers, all of them 甚至维和部队的比利时士兵,所有人!
Even the u, n, belgian soldiers, all of them 甚至维和部队的比利时士兵,所有人!
The tutsi were collaborators for the belgian colonists 图西族曾通敌比利时殖民者
Or they will send the belgian soldiers back here . 否则他们会派比利时士兵来这儿”