Design and optimization of power ground network for bbl based vlsis 地线拓扑结构的设计与优化
Russia ships 3 million bbl a day to other countries , including the u . s 俄罗斯每日向外国输出三百万桶石油,包括美国。
Be back later bbl 稍后便回
Bbl be back later 稍后回来
( saudi light crude oil ? 3 millions bbls monthly , 36 months . the buyer should be registered with aramco 有一约旦公司欲出售石油。每月300万桶,可供36个月。
A 450 bbl pit of 10 . 0 ppg kill mud should be built prior to spud and maintained in the system 开钻前要准备好450桶每加仑10磅的压井钻井液,并使其密度保持在比在用钻井液密度每加仑要高出1磅。
Bbl back - side bus logic . logic for interface to the back - side bus for accesses to the internal unified level two processor cache 后端总线逻辑。访问内部统一二级处理器缓存的后端总线接口逻辑。
An algorithm , which is available for bbl structure and can reasonably distribute crossing among multi - nets , is proposed . it can decide the position relationship among wirings of different nets in the routing area 本文提出了一个适用于bbl结构的多线网交叉分布算法,能合理分配介线区域内不同线网的走线道位置关系,和选择走线层分配的不同方案。
Because of the benefit of the bbl design mode and the insufficiency of the work on it , this dissertation merges the popular representation - " sequence pair " of the placement and the tabu search algorithm , then applies to solve the bbl placement 基于bbl模式的优点和目前对其研究发展的不充分,本文将当前主流之一的布局表征? ?序列对与禁忌搜索算法相结合,研究了其在bbl布局中的应用。
This fact implies that the fractal algorithm is very effective and in practical . 2 ) by combining the tabu search and the clustering technique , we propose a hybird algorithm to solve the placement problems , both for the bbl and the gate - array placement . simulation results show that our hybird algorithm is of robustness and effectiveness , it is expected the algorithm is also uesful in other optimization problems . to testify the feasibility of using various computational intelligent algorithm , such as neural networks , genetic algorithm and ant colony system approach in solving a 2 )首次将禁忌搜索算法与结群技术相结合,并将其分别应用于门阵列布局和bbl布局中,计算机模拟结果表明该算法鲁棒性强、有效,适应性广,适用于大规模门阵列布局和bbl布局问题, 3 )分别用神经网络技术、遗传算法和蚁群算法对两端线网布线问题进行了研究,并对结果进行了分析比较。