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用"bathurst"造句"bathurst"怎么读"bathurst" in a sentence


  • n.
    巴瑟斯特 〔 Banjul 班珠尔的旧称〕。


  • I left word for bathurst to page me here .
  • Lady bathurst is redecorating her ballroom in the french style
  • The earl bathurst
  • Daniel dibley , 17 , needed a partner for the school dance intheaustralian country town of bathurst , west of sydney , and hedecidedto aim high
    慌乱。低调的thing .澳大利亚悉尼西部的一名高中学生邀请上届环球小姐jenniferhawkins参加他的年度舞会。
  • Daniel dibley , 17 , needed a partner for the school dance in the australian country town of bathurst , west of sydney , and he decided to aim high
    在澳大利亚西部小镇巴塞斯特, 17岁的丹尼尔迪布利需要一名舞伴陪他参加学校的舞会,最后他为自己定下了很高的目标。
  • Daniel dibley , 17 , needed a partner for the school dance in the australian country town of bathurst , west of sydney , and he decided to aim high
    在澳大利亚西部小镇巴塞斯特, 17岁的丹尼尔?迪布利需要一名舞伴陪他参加学校的舞会,最后他为自己定下了很高的目标。
  • " i didn ' t want you guys to think i didn ' t want to come to bathurst , or i didn ' t want come to the formal ( dance ) , " hawkins , now a television presenter , told the school assembly
    目前已成为一名电视节目主持人的霍金斯对同学们说: “我希望大家不要觉得是我不愿意陪迪布利参加舞会或者是我不愿意出席舞会。 ”
  • " i did n ' t want you guys to think i did n ' t want to come to bathurst , or i did n ' t want come to the formal dance , " hawkins , now a television presenter , told the school assembly
    目前已成为一名电视节目主持人的霍金斯对同学们说: “我希望大家不要觉得是我不愿意陪迪布利参加舞会或者是我不愿意出席舞会。 ”
  • Instead , the seven television network said hawkins visited dibley ' s bathurst high school on tuesday for a private lunch date with daniel , and to speak to the school assembly , where she apologized for all the fuss
  • The royal australian navy ' s first victory against the japanese occurred on 21 january off darwin when the submarine i124 was destroyed by depth charges dropped by the bathurst class corvettes katoomba , lithgow and deloraine and the united states destroyer edsall
    澳大利亚皇家海军对日本作战取得的第一次胜利是在1月21日达尔文港,由巴瑟斯特级轻武装快舰卡通巴号,里特高号,迪洛瑞尼号和美国驱逐舰埃德索尔号一起投放的深水炸弹击毁潜艇伊124 。


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