The first, second and third basemen and shortstop are called infielders . 一垒手、二垒手、三垒手和游击手则叫做内野手。
Captain and first basemen zhang yufeng led china ' s baseball team to a surprising fourth place finish at the 2006 asian games 张玉峰带领的中国棒球队在2006年亚运会意外获得第四名,他在队中担任一垒手。
The game was unorthodox in the yankees ' eyes for other reasons - - their rotation of three first basemen , for one thing 洋基有其他的理由认为,这场比赛在洋基的眼里是超乎寻常的,三个一垒手的先发,代表著一件事情。
The yankees also plan to carry two first basemen , a backup infielder and a backup catcher . with 12 pitchers , that leaves no room for williams 洋基也计画有两位一垒手、一名后备内野手和后备捕手。再加上12名投手的话,就没有威廉斯的位置了。